█Youtube█ The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Free Stream
- 9,5 / 10
- creator=Philippa Boyens, Fran Walsh
- Runtime=178 m
- genre=Action, Drama
- release Year=2001
- Peter Jackson
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I liked it after the second one which was my favorite, everyone knows the story there is no mystery any more so now we go all out. like that shows progression. Honourable Ned Stark😀😁😀😀. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is a modern marvel. It has great performances, stunts, and visual effects. Lets start with the performances. Elijah Wood is great as Frodo, and it actually seems as if he is in grave peril. Sean Astin gives a fairly good performance as Sam. The other two Hobbits aren't as good as Frodo and Sam, but they give us not horrible performances, but not great ones either. When I saw this, and I saw Ian McKellen as Gandalf, I thought that the character was written for him. He should have won the oscar for it, but a nomination is still fair enough. Viggo Mortenson deserved a oscar nomination for his performance as the Ranger/Heir of Gondor Aragorn. He was great. John Rhys Davies does a quite good job as Gimli the Dwarf. Sean Bean gives us a convincing role as Borimir. Orlando Bloom, gives a very good performance for a breakthrough role. Christopher Lee also deserved at least a Golden Globe for his role as Saruman the evil wizard of the Istari. Cate Blanchett's role as the Lady Galadriel should have gotten an Oscar or Golden Globe nomination. Hugo Weaving had a great performance as the Elven Lord Elrond. Liv Tyler isn't great as Arwen, but she isn't too bad either. With few exceptions, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring has phenomenal roles and performances. The Fellowship of the Ring also gives us great filming and phenomenons within the video. Such as, the awesome cinematography that it won a well deserved Oscar for. The makeup on the Orcs was extroadinary, which it also won an Oscar for. Oscar winning digital visual effects also make this movie extremely fun to watch. This film's oscar winning musical score is great, with every musical note matching the scene that we are watching. Personally, I don't completely think that it should have won Best Picture, but I do think that it should have won Best Director, because director Peter Jackson does a completely spectacular job at bringing Middle Earth alive on the big screen. The costumes they should have won an oscar for, since they are completely fascinating and mind blowing. What I'm trying to say is, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is quite possibly the greatest fantasy epic of all time, and you should go see it as soon as possible.
Why didn't just take the ring to tom bombadil... Anyone else hear Riptor? Love the cheesy sound effects, big predator laugh was Flylo captain murphy. lol. Good, but a lil corny. Lord of the Rings. Gimli: in FOTR) Never trust an elf! Also Gimli (in ROTK) some time later) Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an elf Legolas: How about side by side with a friend? Gimli: Aye, I could do that If that's not character development I don't know what is.
Rich Purnell is a steely -eyed missile man.”
9 ringwraiths and 2 orcs disliked this. Why? Because the Uruks have dark skin? Then I guess every story in wich the bad guys aren't white must be racist. 3:59 When Epic music becomes legendary. The way bilbo acts when he thinks the ring is we all know that with a ring but phones... Why is Frodo Baggins so pretty 😭😍😍😍. 4x16 bringing down the house. This film embraces you with the loving arms of a mother, only true fans can understand. It is an inexplicable feeling. Gandalf my friend this will be a night to remember. J.R.R Tolkien truly appreciated real Fellowship. He had deep bonds with three beloved friends at school. However, in WWI two died, one was mentally incapacitated & he himself was in a unconcious state for weeks. Deal ye one with another with the utmost love and harmony, with friendliness and fellowship… This goal excelleth every other goal, and this aspiration is the monarch of all aspirations. Baha'u'llah, Baha'i Faith.
I do wonder what was the ring saying when Gandalf was speaking the black tongue
Frankly, I'm stunned.
Can anyone tell me what was going on with Elrond and Legolas when Gandalf spoke in the black speech of mordor.
It's like in the great stories Mr. Frodo.
I would like to make friends who like LOTR (books and movies. Such an amazing movies. There is no other movie like the LOTR. Add video To Favorites Embed video Width Height Embed code: Create LOOP Video LOOP GIF Time: 99:99 sec Resolution: Crop: Custom 16:9 4:3 Original Speed (fps): 2 10 20 OK Create snapshot New snapshot Download Report video Reason for rejection: REPORT. 1:14:24 Aragorn fishing. This was an amazing movie. You never see again movie like this... 3:05 Put captions on Is Aragorn Jesus then. Best scene in the trilogy. 18Every purpose is established by counsel: and with good advice make war. Proverbs 20:18 — 14Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety. Proverbs 11:14 — If this council wasnt held, all the people, men, elves and dwarves and hobbits of middle earth — would have fell.
Because how could the end be happy. 0:57 - 1:10 best part. I'd give both my arms and both my legs to be there when they shot this movie. The entire cast looks like they're having such a great time. Also, it's interesting that while on set, sometimes Elijah speaks with an accent and sometime's he doesn't.
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